Berkshire International Film Festival Presents Second Annual Environmental Film Series Hosted at Simon’s Rock

Great Barrington, Mass.—The Berkshire International Film Festival is presenting the second annual Environmental Film series at Simon’s Rock College February 24 and March 24. All screenings will be in the Daniel Arts Center at Simon’s Rock.

The series, which highlights timely environmental films, is intended to “show how a few people can have an impact on the environment in a very big way” says Kelley Vickery, founder and artistic director of the festival.  

This years series’ begins Sunday, February 24 at 3PM with THE HUMAN ELEMENT, directed by Matthew Testa

Renowned environmental photographer James Balog (CHASING ICE) uses his camera to reveal how environmental change is affecting the lives of everyday Americans.  Following the four classical elements – air, earth, fire and water – to frame his journey, Balog explores wildfires, hurricanes, sea level rise, coal miners, and the changes in the air we breathe.  With compassion and heart, THE HUMAN ELEMENT tells an urgent story while giving inspiration for a more balanced relationship between humanity and nature.

Sunday, March 24 – CLIMATE REFUGEES – directed by Michael P. Nash

CLIMATE REFUGEES is a documentary film that uncovers the unbelievable plight of people around the world displaced by climatically induced environmental disasters.  The documentary illuminates for the first time the human face of climate change, as civilization now finds itself facing the confluence of overpopulation, lack of resources and a changing climate.  Traveling the world and interviewing several of the 25 million climate refugees now on the run, along with scholars, politicians and the like, CLIMATE REFUGEES brings to light the heart-wrenching truth of what is quickly becoming mankind’s greatest challenge.

This documentary examines the creation – and migration – of hundreds of millions of climate refugees who will be displaced as a result of climate change.  A cautionary tale, the film demonstrates that climate change is not a political issue; it’s a geopolitical one, one that literally transcends the concepts of nationhood and ethnicity.  In this situation, we truly are all one people.

Tickets are $10 for the general public and may be purchased online at or at the door on the day of the event. For more information, call the BIFF office at 413-528-8030. These events are free to BIFF REEL Friends and to Simon’s Rock students and faculty.

This series has been made possible through the generous support of Lillian Lennox and J. Gregory Whitehead.

The Berkshire International Film Festival (BIFF) is a world-class festival and an integral part of the cultural fabric of the Berkshires. During its annual three-day festival, BIFF showcases the latest in independent feature, documentary, short, and family films as well as lively panel discussions and special events focusing on filmmakers and talented artists from both sides of the camera. BIFF also hosts year-round screenings and opportunities for film lovers to get together.