Pittsfield, MA – December 20, 2018 – Berkshire United Way Board Chair, Richard E. Rowe, announced today that after serving 10 years as President and CEO of the organization, Kristine Hazzard has resigned with an intended departure date of June 30, 2019.
Speaking on behalf of the Board, Rowe said, “While it will clearly be a challenge to replace Kris, we fully expect to find a very strong and driven professional who will take on the role of CEO and continue the great work being done by Berkshire United Way, as well as help map out and drive strategies and execution to meet the changing needs of our community.”
A search committee, led by Berkshire United Way board member Pat Callahan, has been created to conduct a national search to identify a new leader with the critical skill sets and experience necessary to take the organization into the future with the same passion and commitment that Hazzard demonstrated over the past decade. Callahan has extensive experience in recruiting as a former Human Resources Executive at Wells Fargo; she has also served on the executive search committee for another local nonprofit organization.
Jerry Burke, member of the search committee that recommended Hazzard for her current role, commented, “During the interview process in 2009, the search committee was steadfast in its commitment to find a leader who had the potential to make a difference in our community. From day one, Kris’ hard work, dedication and energy have greatly exceeded our expectations.”
He went on to say, “Never one to shy away from a challenge, Kris has focused Berkshire United Way’s efforts in areas that include reducing the teen birth rate and putting a spotlight on early literacy and the impact of reading proficiency, which have made a tremendously positive impact on the area we all call home.”
“The true measure of a great leader is what you have left behind, and Kris Hazzard has made the Berkshires a better place for all. From all of us who live here, Kris deserves a tip of the hat for a job well done,” he added.
Hazzard, who plans to continue to reside in the Berkshires with her husband, Larry, looks forward to having more time to spend with the couple’s two children and grandson as she seeks an opportunity to continue to impact the community in a new way. Prior to joining Berkshire United Way, she served as President and CEO of The Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield County, Inc. located in Bridgeport, Connecticut.